It’s that time of year again. You will start to hear about everyone’s New Year’s Resolutions and you have yet to find one for yourself. Most of the people you know will make similar resolutions every year. But if you’re tired of promising to go to the gym more often, make this year’s resolution something a little more interesting…something that has to do with your snow mobile! Here are a few possible resolutions for snow mobile riders.



Resolution#1: Wash Your Snow Mobile Regularly

Washing your ride on a regular basis helps keep it shiny, but it also makes the snow mobile healthier for longer. Make it a habit to keep the pain in shape and the mechanical parts of the machine will work better as well. Resolve to wash your snow mobile once a month when it is in use. It’ll look great and you might even prevent maintenance issues.


Resolution#2: Regular Maintenance

If you don’t know what to do when it comes to maintenance, the first step in this resolution is to learn more about maintenance. Then, simply follow through. Look through the snowmobile’s owner’s manual to give yourself a start and stock pile a set of tools to perform some of the small, easy tasks yourself.


Resolution#3: Ride More Often

Think about how many rides you took in 2015. A lot of that depends on the weather and how much snow you got, but resolve to ride more times this year than you did last year. That might mean riding in a group, trying new routes, or taking the same paths more often. Whatever it takes, if you make the resolution, you have to stick with it!


Resolution#4: Plan a Snow Mobiling Trip

If you love snowmobile riding in your area, you would probably love to ride even more if you took a trip that revolved around your snow mobile. Make this year THE year to take the snowy adventure trip you’ve always wanted to enjoy with your snow mobile. Find a state that gets extra snow and has a lot of routes you’ve been dying to try and plan a trip before the snow melts!


Resolution#5: Upgrade Gear

If you’ve had the same snowmobile gloves for years, it might be time for an upgrade. Get the latest and best snowmobile gloves and other items in order to make your rides more comfortable. Not only will you be able to feel your fingers better in high quality gloves, but you’ll be safer in the long run as well.


Resolution#6: Clean Out Old Gear

Riders who have a history with their snow mobile also likely have a stockpile of snowmobile gear they no longer use. Throw away the beaten and worn items and donate the items that are still good, but that you’ve moved on from. Other riders can benefit from those items and you’ll have more room for new stuff!


Resolution#7: Take a Class

Did you know there are actually snow mobile classes offered in various locations? Look them up and resolve to take one in an area of interest. You may be past the basic riding classes, but you could learn about maintenance, advanced riding techniques and other things.


Making a New Year’s Resolution doesn’t have to be painful if it involves your snow mobile. Find a task that you want to perform that revolves around your love of snow mobiling and then resolve to do it in 2016!