Whether your motorcycle is sitting in a garage all winter or you’re just riding fewer miles, the spring riding season is like a new beginning. In some states, bikers can’t ride at all in the winter. Other motorcycle enthusiasts get to log a few miles in the winter months. Either way, spring, summer and fall riding is still prime-time. 

So, how do you get ready for the next season? If you winterize your motorcycle, it’s likely just a reversal of those basic steps. But it can be so much more. When you’re thinking about the spring riding season, start getting your bike – and yourself – ready. Here are 7 tips & tricks to get ready for the spring riding season. 

1) Plan a few summer trips.

Plan at least one long distance trip and a couple shorter rides. Not only does this planning get you ready for a fun spring & summer, but it gets your blood pumping. Thinking about the summer rides you can take with friends gets you warmed up from the inside out! 

Another benefit to planning trips for the upcoming season is that you get to get the trip on your calendar, meaning you have no excuses for, not taking that dream trip you’ve always wanted. Of course, for the long trip you may want to consider a few tips for long distance motorcycle riding.

2) Make sure your bike on a trickle charger.

Recommendations differ, but mechanics and long-time bikers often say keeping your bike on a trickle charger when you’re not riding will help add years to your battery. In fact, some say hooking it up on a weekend you’re not riding is helpful. Definitely putting it on a low-voltage charge during the cold months will help ensure a good start that first warm, sunny day.

3) Look at your tires.

Good shoes are vital. It’s a good idea to check your tires often. It’s especially important to inspect your tires before the spring riding season begins. If you need new rubber, you don’t want to have that chore extend your winter waiting season. Make sure your tires are ready to go towards the end of the storage season.

4) Take your bike out for a ride.

If you’re able to get that motorcycle out of the garage and on the road a few times over the winter months, in a safe way, it will help keep the juices flowing in that treasured machine. It also keeps your sanity and eases the pain of waiting. 

5) Check your insurance.

As the spring months loom, make sure your bike is insured, but also make sure you’re getting the best deal on motorcycle insurance. That doesn’t necessarily mean the cheapest. Make sure you’re doing your research on service and coverage as well. You don’t want to be waiting on your insurance to go through as the rest of your friends hit the road.

6) Look for a charity ride. 

If I’ve learned one thing over the years as a biker, it’s that we’re a generous bunch. From Veteran Poker Runs to Rolling Thunder, the motorcycle community loves to ride for a reason. Look around your local community for a good cause you can get behind. Many times, these rides at least have a “save the date” published so you can plan a few weekends that you can ride for a good cause. 

7) Pick the right riding apparel.

Whether you’re thinking about a vented riding coat or a new helmet, your gear is more than functional. It’s your style. You can have both when it comes to your gloves. You can find great gloves to fight throttle fatigue, or simple leather gloves to just block a little wind. Chaps vs leather riding pants … kevlar gear … there’s a lot to consider when upgrading your riding apparel. Gear up for spring and get ready to ride!