7 Ultralight Gadgets For Your Next Motorcycle Camping Trip
Open air, open road, open sky — it’s the best of all worlds. But after a long day on the road, you want as many creature comforts as you can get your hands on; the challenge is being comfortable without packing everything and the kitchen sink. Here are 7 motorcycle gadgets for your next camping adventure, that pack light and add comfort, to get you started. P.S. We’d like to dedicate this post to our Hoka Hey long distance rider friends, who head out from Key West, Florida to Homer, Alaska in a few days. We’re sure they are packing light and...
Plan The Perfect Summer Motorcycle Camping Trip
So you are planning a long distance motorcycle camping trip. This is most definitely an experience every adventure rider wants to cross off of their bucket list. With nothing but the wind at your back as you explore a new stretch of road, it can be a truly unforgettable experience. The scenery, the peacefulness of camping out under the stars, the sounds of nature … yet, to be successful, such a trip involves a fair amount of preparation and knowledge. Starting with the most important thing, your bike. Which Bike for a Comfortable Ride? It’s a personal decision, but cruiser type styles...