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9 Tips For Long Motorcycle Rides


If you love your motorcycle, the longer you ride, the better. But if you haven’t gone on a long ride before, you might be surprised at the challenges you face. Here are a few tips for long motorcycle rides in order to make the ride as pleasant as possible for as long as you want to ride. more Tip#1: Consider a Windshield If you only ride your motorcycle for short distances, you may not really need a windshield, but they are great for longer rides. Riding for several hours in a row at high speeds can leave you feeling wind blown...

Why I Ride In Charity Motorcycle Rides


As a biker, I’ve known for a long time how charitable and generous the motorcycle community can be. It doesn’t matter if a biker is a lawyer during the day, a union member, a cook or on disability, bikers give back. This has been proven to me in the last 2 years as a member of a non-profit that serves veterans.    In working with Talons Out Honor Flight – a group that honors World War II veterans with an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. to visit the memorial built in their honor – I have found a true community in...

The Motorcycle Rider Wave


Why do motorcycle riders wave at each other? As a rider for over 20 years, I’ve waved at countless brothers and sisters of the road. Cruiser, cafe bike, crotch rocket, enduro … if you’re on 2 wheels (or even 3 – trikes count!) I’ll wave. While I’ve ridden American iron my whole life – Harley-Davidson and Buell – I don’t care what you’re riding. If you’re out of the cage (aka “car”), you’re a kindred spirit. more   As you may have noticed, I ride a Buell. While it’s built with the heart of a Harley, some HD riders see the...

What Motorcycle Riders Should Learn From The Tour De France


Ah, yes, the Tour de France. Cyclists ride at lightening speeds at great length. But those are bicycles and you ride a motorcycle. They both have two wheels and that’s where the resemblance ends, right? Actually, there’s quite a bit you can learn from the tour de France, even as a motorcycle rider. Here are a few items:more   Wear Protective Gear Tour de France bike wrecks are never a good thing. They look like a train wreck with the bikes piling up upon each other from the high speed. Riders who want to stop and avoid it often can’t....

Each Glove Tells A Story: Long Distance Motorcycle Riding ~Voni Glaves


Last week, as the conversation on Facebook page turned to waterproof gloves, we were excited to see a familiar name —  accomplished long distance rider Voni Glaves. Voni is one of a handful of motorcyclists who has ridden a documented million miles without an accident, and is working on her second million. A million miles is like circling the circumference of the earth 40 times. Voni agreed to chat with us and share some of her experiences in the saddle.  We were really curious about her experiences both as a long distance motorcycle rider, and a something of a trailblazer...

New 2013 United States Motorcycle Riding Laws


As 2013 approaches, remember many new motorcycle riding laws come into effect when the clock strikes 12:01am on January 1st! Here are a list of a few new laws state by state… California: AMA on New California Exhaust Law – Motorcycles registered in the state that are manufactured on or after 2013 or have an aftermarket exhaust system manufactured on or after 2013 must have the federal EPA noise emission label affixed to it in order to be operated, used, or parked in the state. Oregon: You must take a Team Oregon course if you’re under 51 years old Maryland: New purchases...

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