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Glove Design: The Surprising Story Of A New Snow Sport Glove


What makes a great new glove design? Recently we worked on a new ski glove project, and the development process took a surprising turn. We thought we’d share the story … All great designs … and brands … start with knowing your customer. And in this case, the merchant REALLY knew his. Glove expertise, technical factors or leather knowledge are important … But for this design, “intangibles” made all the difference. more The Surprising Story of a New Snow Sport Glove After working out the technical and construction details for warmth, weatherproofing, and other needed performance factors for a high-end ski glove, we...

Glove Manufacturer's Advice: 3 Ways To Reduce Minimum Order Quantity


A glove buyer’s job is tough. You watch retail trends, and develop new items to satisfy customer demand. But, forecasting a new item is hard. If you could, you’d start small. Perhaps even fly in a small quantity to test, to gain confidence for a bigger follow-up order.  Your gut tells you there are larger quantities to come, but until you see what sells, how can you be sure? There’s no crystal ball — so to manage risk, you try to keep quantities small. Problem is, the manufacturing world isn’t geared for “small”. That’s why you run into the MOQ...

Glove Company Tips: 4 Things To Do NOW For 2015 Success


What are your plans for next year? Are you thinking about new ways to delight your customers? Last week we offered 3 tips for planning ahead for a more successful holiday selling season. Today we want you to take a little longer view … what else can we do to ensure next year’s retail success?  In our experience, planning,  preparation — and a little risk taking — is key to reaching new heights. So here are 4 suggestions to kick off your thinking. more 4 Glove Company Tips for Next Year’s Success 1.  Carefully Watch Trends Most buyers we know watch...

Glove Company Tips: 3 Smart Year-End Strategies For Retail Brands


Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to you…. No, I am not mixed up … though we are still in the heat of summer as the NFL season begins and US Open tennis winds down. So why are we writing this? It’s time to get year-end inventory finalized and marketing plans all lined up, for the most critical time of the year. Take these steps now, for a merrier December 31. Plan Ahead! 110 days to Christmas, 80 Days to Black Friday For most retail businesses, even if the first 9 months of the year were positive, the real level of success...

Ultimate Glove Makers Product Planning Kit: Free Resource


Designing a product line takes teamwork — and the more clarity on goals and requirements, the better the results. That’s why we created this multi-part kit for glove buyers, and their product sourcing and design teams. The Glove Maker’s Product Planning Kit is a useful collection of free resources, to help you better manage the glove making process. The Glove Makers Product Planning Kit This kit addresses the following common glove challenges: How to refresh an existing glove line with your customers’ needs in mind? For a new line, how to add the functionality your target customer will value most? Tips to manage project...

Glove Manufacturing: The Ultimate Guide To Glove Cost (Part II)


In Part I of our “Ultimate Guide to Glove Cost” series, we covered the two most important cost variables, material costs and labor costs. Today, we’ll dig into Dies, Duty Rates, and other costs such as Embellishments, Packaging and Shipping. The goal of our series is to help you weigh your options, and make better decisions. As they say, “an educated buyer is our best customer!”. To learn about what makes up your glove costs, read on! How Much Does A Glove Cost? (Part II) After materials and labor costs, here are the other factors to consider: 1. Hand cutting vs....

Glove Manufacturing: The Ultimate Guide To Glove Cost (Part I)


The first time I talk to a new customer, the question…”how much will the glove cost?” always comes up. It seems like a reasonable question, but there are literally dozens of factors that can come into play. Until we actually make a sample of the glove, it’s difficult to determine. In today’s post, we wanted to explain the key factors that impact glove cost. We hope it leads to better decisions, from day one. As you consider alternatives for your next glove project, here’s what you might find helpful to know. How Much Does A Glove Cost? To begin, we typically...

NEW Glove Company Resource: The Ultimate Glove Buyer's Kit


Growing your glove business is the goal, but there’s a lot to keep your eye on. Product merchandising, and profitability. Quality, sourcing, and speed to market. Well, here’s some good news! An easy way to give your brand a tune-up, and get new projects off on the right foot. Whether you’re outsourcing glove production or doing it all in-house, here’s a free kit with everything you need to jump start your next season’s glove line.   Glove Company Resources: NEW Glove Buyer’s Kit This kit is a multi-part resource for private label glove buyers, and their product and sourcing teams. It...

How Your Glove Company Can Shorten Leadtimes: 7 Essential Strategies


When it comes getting your product designed, developed and delivered, Is your glove company more like a leopard — the fastest land animal — or a snail? “Fast fashion” companies have figured out how to be responsive to consumer demand, and get product to stores FAST. The consumer expects it, sales growth depends on it. Can you say the same abut your company, and supply chain? If not, what’s slowing you down? Free eBook: How To Shorten Glove Lead Times When you plan out deliveries for your glove line, how are your lead times? In today’s speed obsessed world, product development...

China Manufacturing: When Product Quality Goes South


This week, we heard an all-too familiar story of inconsistent quality, from an acquaintance in the accessories business.  Unfortunately, they received a shipment of finished goods that was of such poor quality, that more than 40% was rejected. As a result, customer back-orders could not be shipped. How to avoid quality problems like this? Good quality the first time out, terrible the next We have no dog in this particular fight — this company is not our customer — but we do have an opinion. This company ordered their product from the same sourcing agent this company has used before...

The Hidden Costs Of Glove Manufacturing


Perhaps you’re looking at this image, and wondering … “What does an iceberg have to do with glove manufacturing costs”? We chose this image because to fully understand the cost of something, often you need to look beneath the surface.  When it comes to making gloves, there are explicit costs — the ones you likely know about — labor, materials, overhead …. And there are also hidden costs that — unless you are a glove expert — you most likely wouldn’t know about. So, we decided to create a guide to these hidden costs, to enable you to better understand, and...

Imported Vs. Made In USA Gloves: A Range Of Options


Most gloves are imported, for the reasons we explored last week. But there is growing interest in buying American made gloves, just as there is more interest in buying everything manufactured domestically. It explains why Wal-Mart had an open call for “Made in USA” products recently, and over 500 new vendors showed up. Still, the  challenges related to domestic manufacturing of technical sports gloves  and reshoring in general, are considerable. What are the options, and the labeling requirements, for imported vs. domestic apparel? What are the options for sourcing American made gloves?   Here’s what brands and retailers should know. more”Made in USA” Apparel:...

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