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7 Motorcycle Safety Myths


Riding a motorcycle can feel absolutely liberating at times, but you need to be safe when you head out on the road. Throughout the years, several motorcycle safety myths have developed, and unfortunately,many riders continue to believe this misinformation. These myths have kept many people away frommotorcycles because they fell for these false stories and misinformation. more Motorcycles are too dangerous: Yes, motorcycling can be risky, but with proper training and precautions it is not any riskier than snow skiing or water skiing, horseback riding, sky diving, or boating. It is just like riding a bicycle, only faster: Well, that is not true...

Motorcycle Gear To Ensure A Safe Ride In Every Season


No matter what the season, if you ride a motorcycle you already know how important protective equipment is to your life. Critical motorcycle safety equipment can save the lives of both the rider and the passenger. This list of four essential pieces of protective gear for motorcycle riders can make all  the differnece between an accident and a tragedymore     Motorcycle helmets Motorcycle helmets consist of four basic parts that shield and protect your head in the event of a motorcycle collision, including: A carbon fiber or Kevlar hard outer shell that resists and absorbs shock An inner protective liner, which...

5 Reasons To Always Wear Motorcycle Gloves


If you ride your motorcycle often, you know the rules about gear. You should always wear your helmet to protect your head and so on and so forth. You know that you should always wear your gloves as well because you’ve heard other say so, but what are the real reasons? When it’s hot, they aren’t always comfortable! Here are a few reasons why you should wear your motorcycle gloves at all times when you ride.   Reason #1: Falls are Unpredictable   It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been riding or how careful you are, you can still fall....

The Dangers And Pleasures Of Motorcycle Spring Riding


Springtime can be the best time of year to ride…but also the most dangerous. It’s a bit like the Tale of Two Cities – the best of time and the worst of times. Pro: spring smells and warm temps after a long winter. Con: post-winter salt & grime on the roads. After a rough winter especially, cage drivers have forgotten to even try to look for motorcyclists. We need to be extra careful in the early spring season, and never assume anything about being seen. So what are we to do as bikers once the temps become reasonable enough to...

Tips For Motorcycle Commuters


The average commuter spends 38 hours stuck in traffic every year. While most people take cars, nearly 150,000 individuals ride their motorcycles to work on a regular basis. Some riders have bikes and want to use them as much as possible. Use this guide to assess whether or not you want to become a motorcycle commuter. If you decide to give it a trip, enjoy the safety tips for commuters as well.   Pros for Riding to Work  If you’ve thought about riding your motorcycle to work, you probably already have a list of pros in your mind. They might...

Why Wear Motorcycle Gloves?


Hey, we don’t usually bring this up …     We’d much rather talk about the fun of riding .. but every once in a while the “why wear motorcycle gloves”  question comes up.   You may be tempted to think — ” … it’s summer, it’s hot, no gear today“.   Well, we could tell you all the benefits of protective gloves … how they’re made with “abrasion proof” this and “padded” that …     Instead, we’ll just let a rider friend who was in a wreck last month answer this most basic question for you.moreJunie Rose is an experienced...

10 Things You Need For Hassle-Free Motorcycle Travel


As a rider, you have to be prepared for road emergencies, and pack SMART. Especially for touring and longer distance rides … But you can’t pack EVERYTHING … so you have to boil it down to the essentials and then pack them nice and tight. What’s on your packing list?   What essential item do you keep tucked away, “just in case”? Here are out top 10 items … tell us what’s on your list, in the comments! Motorcycle Travel: 10 Essentials to Pack You know that annoying guy who tries to stuff his truck, SUV, or camper with items to address every single possible contingency...

Hard Knuckle Gloves And More: Protect Your Hands


As the saying goes, “Dress for the slide, not for the ride.“ Sometimes your gear is the only thing between you and the road, so it only makes sense to be sure your gear is the safest it can be, without sacrificing comfort. Today, we’re taking a look at a rider’s best options for hand protection.   Historically that meant leather, until other advanced materials appeared on the scene. Now, riders have a full range of options:  leather, metal, Kevlar and other advanced “body armor” aramid fibers, rubberized composite materials, high density foam, and more. Let’s look at each, to help you...

Riding "The Dragon": A Lesson In Motorcycle Safety


How did you learn to ride?  Did you take an MSF class?  Did a veteran rider teach you the do’s and the dont’s? Whether you’re new to the sport or more skilled, if you slip into poor riding habits, you could easily find yourself in a position that will turn you into a Mack truck grill ornament. Today, writer and motorcyclist Marilyn Elmore gives some share-worthy advice to help you avoid a potential accident: more THE “SCAN” Back when I learned to ride we didn’t have riding clinics. You threw your leg over the saddle, listened to the seasoned veteran tell...

13 Snowmobile Riding Tips To Keep You Safe And Warm This Winter


What keeps some motorcyclists riding even as the snow starts falling? Riding a snowmobile! Once you put your 2-wheeled baby away for the winter, a snowmobile can deliver some of the same thrills in a beautiful new landscape.  But along with the joys of snowmobiling, comes the age-old question: How do you stay warm and dry? Here are some tips for safer and warmer snowmobile riding this winter Snowmobile Riding Tips: Before You Ride Make sure your snowmobile is tuned up!  The last thing you want to do is spend time walking around in the snow to repair your snowmobile....

High Visibility Motorcycle Gloves: Tips For Safety


Riding At Night: “High Visibility” Tips for Safety Most new motorcycle’s lighting systems don’t come with an on/off switch.   The lights are always on when the motorcycle is running, and that’s no accident. Here’s why: Lights increase the chances of keeping the rider and bike visible to other people on the road. While lighting is a proven way to increase visibility, there are some other ways as well. High Visibility Gear for Maximum Visibility It’s also no secret that most motorcycle riders prefer black gear, but there are ways to continue wearing dark riding colors while maintaining high-visibility. more...

Waterproof Motorcycle Gloves: Be Prepared For Rain!


Motorcycle Riding In The Rain Riding a motorcycle in the rain can be tricky. Almost a quarter of all crashes happen in bad weather, especially on wet pavements. Luckily, there are many steps a rider can take to make a wet ride a safe and enjoyable one. Tips for Riding in the Rain From a slight drizzle to a torrential downpour to freezing rain, here are some safety tactics that a rider should know Make things easy on yourself and wear a full-face helmet. The shape of the helmet is more aerodynamic than goggles or glasses, and water will naturally flow...

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