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Olympia Introduces Best Motorcycle Glove: Rain Or Shine


One of the most important articles of clothing for any rider is a decent glove. No one should really go riding without one on each hand. Not only will they give you protection from the elements, but if you go down soft or hard, they’ll also offer you protection from asphalt, cement and gravel road rash. Up until this point, some of the finest riding gloves were made of soft and flexible leather. Leather gives superior abrasion resistance; it is supple enough to let you grip the handles, and it provides a modicum of protection from the weather. However, advances...

26 Tips To Reduce Hand Numbness For Motorcycle Riders


Motorcycle riders sometimes experience hand numbness, forearm fatigue, and other hand/wrist/arm discomfort — especially early in the riding season. This occurrence is surprisingly prevalent among riders. Recently in the Motorcycle Enthusiasts group forum on Linkedin, there were over 100 comments regarding this problem — which shows how very common it is. Often, the best suggestions come from other riders. Here are 26 tips from riders who have dealt with hand discomfort. First: Why Hand Numbness? You may be wondering about a medical explanation. According to the Mayo Clinic, hand numbness is “usually caused by damage, irritation or compression of one of the nerves...

Black Fingerless Leather Gloves: A Classic Choice For Riders


Long gone are the days when ‘old school’ bikers would ride with their palms wrapped in red bandannas during a long ride. In Part I of our series on choosing fingerless gloves,  we highlighted some key features to look for when it comes to fingerless motorcycle gloves. But the most popular fingerless gloves for many riders are black leather fingerless gloves — a timeless classic.  Like any motorcycle glove, there are important differences that you may not notice, as well as different qualities of leather. Here’s what to look for when choosing a black leather fingerless glove: more Choosing Black Fingerless Leather Gloves...

Which Fingerless Motorcycle Gloves For Summer Riding?


Lots of riders find fingerless motorcycle gloves a comfortable summer alternative, instead of heavily-gloved fingers in summer’s heat. FIngerless gloves are great for:  Comfort, shock absorption, better grip, padding and sweat control. They’re a lot cooler in the summer. In this 2-part series, we explain what to look for when choosing fingerless gloves.  – Mesh styles are light and cool, and good for wiping the sweat off your face on a hard ride/hot day …   – Black fingerless all leather styles are a classic …     – and, there are many comfort and safety features to choose from.  Choosing Fingerless Motorcycle Gloves Here’s what to look...

Choosing Summer Motorcycle Gloves For Comfort In The Heat


Days are getting warmer … so this is a good time to check your summer gear and see if it’s road worthy. Summer motorcycle riding gloves can: Protect your hands from sunburn, pebbles, rocks and bugs, and the unlikely unplanned get off. Make your hands feel more comfortable while you ride. Give you better grip of your controls. Here’s how to choose summer motorcycle gloves that make hot weather rides safer and more comfortable.more Why Wear Summer Motorcycle Gloves? We get it, we truly do … it’s hot, you’re sweaty.    But today’s lightweight mesh gear means there’s no excuse for riding around in...

Gel Motorcycle Gloves, For Comfort: Plus 7 Tips To Combat Vibration


Motorcycle engines and handlebars produce powerful vibrations when driving down the highway. This ‘buzzing’ can often become intensified during long distance rides, when hand, wrist and forearm muscles experience tiredness from long periods on the throttle. Gel motorcycle gloves are one of the primary defenses in the fight against hand fatigue, and aid in preventing injury. They are designed to reduce vibration, decrease numbness and tingling, as well as prevent several conditions that plague riders, including Carpal Tunnel and Guyon’s Canal syndromes. more Studies of Hand/Arm Problems Among Motorcyclists Over the years, many studies demonstrate the extent of the problem, and the need for relief:...

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