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Prepare For Summer Rides With Olympia Gloves


Prepare For Summer Rides With Olympia Gloves - Olympia Gloves

Temperatures are now above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and when that happens, you need riding gear that can accommodate summer riding conditions. Eliminating protective gear (Jacket, Boots, Helmet) is not a good option but The clothing you wear in early spring probably isn’t comfortable on a summer road trip. Any rider knows that choosing the right pair of gloves is a deal breaker plus riding gloves are one of those major protective elements that you need on a bike.  For summer comfort and protection, look for: Venting system with air intake vents on each finger Technical, moisture-wicking fabrics Ventilated construction, with...

5 Tips To Help You Choose Great Summer Hot Weather Motorcycle Gloves


Summer is the time of year when most motorcycle riders enjoy their bikes the most. However, it can also be highly uncomfortable to ride in the heat and humidity. Riders need to stay safe by wearing gloves and other protective gear, but that does not mean they have to dress in full leather and sweat their way down the road. These tips will help you choose the best motorcycle gloves for the hot summer months.   Tip#1: Think about fabric There are many different fabrics on the market and they can make a huge difference in the feel of your...

Cool Tips For Summer Hot Weather Motorcycle Gear


Summer is the best time to ride your motorcycle. The weather is dry and warm and the elements are on your side. However, summer can also get hot, humid and downright sticky. Often, riders want to hop on their motorcycles in t-shirts and shorts to stay as cool as possible during the ride. This is not a smart idea, but there are summer items that can keep you cooler than your winter leather jacket. Use these cool tips for summer to stay as cool as possible in hot motorcycle gear.more   Tip#1: Ventilated Jackets During the summer be sure to...

5 Myths About Summer Motorcycle Riding


Riding a motorcycle in the summer is downright fun and some people only ride when the weather is nice and sunny. There are a lot of myths about summer motorcycle riding. Here are a few, along with how to bust those myths!   Myth 1: It’s too uncomfortable to ride when it’s steaming hot In some ways, this is correct. It’s hard to put on protective leather jackets, gloves, and helmets when it’s unbearably hot. But once you are on the bike and driving down the interstate at a fast pace, the wind around you combats the heat and you...

Best Hot Weather Motorcycle Gloves: 2015 BUYER'S GUIDE


If you ride your motorcycle year round no matter what, you know that the right gear at the right time of year can make all the difference. During the winter months, you ride in leather with thick gloves and other elements that keep you safe and protect you from the cold temperatures. But there’s no way you want to ride in the same stuff over the hot summer months. You would suffocate! Your hands would sweat and you’d never get them back out of your winter gloves. Use this buyer’s guide to choose the best hot weather motorcycle gloves to...

6 Features In The Best Summer Motorcycle Gloves


Without question, summertime is your best friend for motorcycle riding. The days are long, the temperature is right, and the roads are in generally good condition for long rides. That means you want to wear the best summer motorcycle gloves that provide  the best combination of performance and comfort for your summer riding adventures. Excellent Ventilation The best summer motorcycle gloves need to have excellent ventilation to help keep your hands cool and as dry as possible. When it is hot outside, you don’t want your hands to sweat. Fingerless gloves and ventilated gloves provide air circulation that helps to...

Motorcycle Riding In The Rain With Confidence: Summer Edition


This past weekend, Hurricane Arthur hit the east coast, bringing torrential rains from North Carolina to Maine. This got us thinking about the special challenges of riding on rainy days in summer. Most riders avoid the rain, others learn how to deal with it.  But sometimes you can’t avoid it, whether commuting or taking in a scenic cruise.  If you ride long and often enough, sooner or later, you’ll be caught in a sun shower or full-out downpour. You can try to wait it out. However, with the right gear, special attention to road conditions and your surroundings, and a...

Hot Weather Motorcycle Gear: Surprising Idea For A Cooler Ride


When we stumbled across a surprising tip to keep cooler when riding under the blazing summer sun, we knew we had to share it. According to one rider in the in the Motorcycle Enthusiasts group on Linkedin , wearing long sleeves in hot, steamy weather keeps you cooler than bare arms (as if you’d ride bare-armed anyway!) and prevents rapid dehydration as well.  Do you agree with this tip?  Learn why it works, and test it out.  Then let us know your findings.more Cover Up to Cool Down! Riding With Long Sleeves You’ve seen the photos of nomads trekking across the desert wearing clothing from...

5 Unexpected "Go-To" Features For Summer Motorcycle Gloves


Are your summer motorcycle gloves looking a little frayed around the edges? You may be looking for a new pair that will keep hands protected, well-ventilated, and comfortable on long rides. But with so many glove choices, how do you know what to look for? Here are 5 unexpected “must-have” features.more 5 Unexpected Ways to Protect Your Paws This Summer Whether you’re spending the days ahead on city cement or country backroads, consider these 5 unexpected yet important features when shopping for your next pair of summer gloves: Padded Palms:The conventional wisdom is that you need full leather gloves with hard knuckles,...

Keep Cool: Tips For Motorcycle Riders, Summer Motorcycle Gloves & More


We love the cool breezes and lazy days of summer, but sometime riding on 90 degree days can feel like  you’re being blasted by a hair dryer! Here’s a round-up of rider suggestions for keeping cool when riding in extreme heat. Why Motorcycle Gear in the Summer? When riding this summer, don’t be tempted to go without protective gear. it sounds counter-intuitive, but in the summer, riders really need to cover up. Why? Besides exposure to road rash, riders who ride uncovered dehydrate MORE quickly as sweat evaporates.  That can cause heat exhaustion — and it’s totally unnecessary. Keep Cool:...

Long Distance Motorcycle Riding: Resources To Plan Your Trip


For lots of riders, summer weekends mean long rides on the bike. For some riders, that’s a nice weekend cruise  … for others, it’s a road trip with a specific destination and length in mind. Whether you belong to a long distance club with its own challenge like the Hoka Hey Challenge, prefer twisting the throttle on your own, or set your sights on achieving one of the milestone Iron Butt Association challenges, careful planning will improve your ride. Here are some resources that long distance riders may find helpful. moreThe Iron Butt Association If the thought of finding new long distance challenges...

Summer Riding Survival Guide: Hot Weather Motorcycle Gear


It’s a common summer riding concern, and we hear it a lot: riders hate to wear lot of gear when it’s hot, humid, and sticky … Riders need cooler options, that still protect. Unlike Beckham pictured above, look for gear with strategically placed abrasion resistant materials for the protection you need and the hot weather comfort you want. Here’s the lowdown on warm weather gear to keep you safe and comfortable on the road as temps climb — and summer riding tips to help you beat the heat.more Hot Weather Motorcycle Gear: Lightweight and Breathable Apparel, helmets, gloves, and other accessories can...

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